Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/246

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The Pilgrim's Progress.

they sing these notes but seldom, except it be at the spring, when the flowers appear and the sun shines warm; and then you may hear them all day long. I often, said she, go out to hear them; we also ofttimes keep them tame in our house. They are very fine company for us when we are melancholy; also they make the woods, and groves, and solitary places desirous to be in. (Song ii. 11, 12.)

By this time Piety was come again; so she said to Christiana, Look here, I have brought thee a scheme of all those things that thou hast seen at our house, upon which thou mayest look when thou findest thyself forgetful, and call those things again to remembrance for thy ediucation and comfort.

Now they began to go down the hill into the Valley of Humiliation. It was a steep hill,and the way was slippery; but they were very careful, so they got down pretty well. When they were down in the valley, Piety said to Christiana, This is the place where your husband met with the foul fiend Apollyon, and where they had that dreadful fight that they had: I know you cannot but have heard thereof. But be of good courage; as long as you have here Mr; Great-heart to be your guide and conductor, we hope you will fare the better. So when these two had committed the pilgrims unto the conduct of their guide, he went forward, and they went after.

Then said Mr. Great-heart, We need not be so afraid of this valley; for here is nothing to hurt us, unless we procure it to ourselves. It is true that Christian here did meet With Apollyon, With whom he had also a sore combat; but that fray was the fruit of those slips which he got in his going down the hill: for they that get slips there must look for combats here. And hence it is that this valley has got so hard a name. For the common people, when they hear such a frightful thing has befallen such a one in such a place, are of opinion that that place is