Page:The Pilgrim's Progress, the Holy War, Grace Abounding Chunk1.djvu/285

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The Pilgrim's Progress.

Mnas. I will, said Mr. Mnason. So he had them to their respective places, and also showed them a very fair dining-room, where they might be, and sup together, until time should come to go to rest.

Now when they were seated in their places, and were a little refreshed after their journey, Mr. Honest asked his landlord if there were any store of good people in the town.

Mnas. We have a few; for indeed they are but a few, when compared with them on the other side,

Hon. But how shall we do to see some of them? for the sight of good men to them that are going on pilgrimage is like the appearing of the moon and stars to them that are sailing upon the seas.

Mnas. Then Mr. Mnason stamped with his foot, and his daughter Grace came up. So he said unto her, Grace, go you, tell my friends, Mr. Contrite, Mr. Holy-man, Mr. Love-saints, Mr. Dare-not-lie, and Mr. Penitent, that I have a friend or two at my house who have a mind this evening to see them. So Grace went to call them, and they came; and after salutation made, they sat down together at the table.

Then said Mr. Mnason their landlord, My neighbours, I have, as you see, a company of strangers come to my house: they are pilgrims; they come from afar, and are going to Mount Zion. But who, quoth he, do you think this is? pointing his finger at Christiana. It is Christiana, the wife of Christian, that famous pilgrim who, with Faithful his brother, was so shamefully handled in our town. At that they stood amazed, saying, We little thought to see Christiana when Grace came to call us; wherefore this is a very comfortable surprise. They then asked her of her welfare, and if these young men were her husband's sons. And when she had told them they were, they said, The King whom you love and serve make you as your father, and bring you where he is in peace.

Hon. Then Mr. Honest (when they were all sat down)