sire and pleasure. Yea, such acquiesce in the will of that disease.
Hon. Then Mr. Honest, interrupting him, said, Did you see the two men asleep in the arbour?
Stand. Ay, ay, I saw Heedless and Too-bold there; and, for aught I know, there they will lie till they rot. (Prov. x. 7 .) But let me go on with my tale. As I was thus musing, as I said, there was one in very pleasant attire, but old, who presented herself to me, and offered me three things—to wit, her body, her purse. and her bed. Now, the truth is, I was both weary and sleepy; I am also as poor as an owlet, and that perhaps the witch knew. Well, I repulsed her once and again; but she put by my repulses, and smiled. Then I began to be angry; but she mattered that nothing at all. Then she made offers again, and said if I would be ruled by her, she would make me great and happy; for, said she, I am the mistress of the world, and men are made happy by me. Then I asked her name, and she told me it was Madam Bubble. This set me further from her; but still she followed me with enticements. Then I betook me, as you saw, to my knees, and with hands lifted up, and cries, I prayed to him that had said he would help. So, just as you came up, the gentlewoman went her way. Then I continued to give thanks for this my great deliverance; for I verily believe she intended no good, but rather sought to make stop of me in my journey.
Hon. Without doubt her designs were bad. But, stay, new you talk of her, me thinks I either have seen her or have read some story of her.
Stand. Perhaps you have done both.
Hon. v Madam Bubble! is she not a tall, comely dame, somewhat of a swarthy complexion?
Stand. Right, you hit it; she is just such a one.
Hon., Doth she not speak very smoothly, and give you a smile at the end of a sentence?