the Delectable Mountains, 125; Christian and Hopeful's reception in, 164; the glory of, 161, 164.
Charity, one of the virgins of the Palace Beautiful, 51; discourses with Christian, 54.
Christ, his work of grace in the heart, 36; the righteousness of, 44; reveals himself to the seeking soul, 145.
Christian is convinced of sin and of judgment to come, 13; his lamentable cry, 13; breaks his mind to his wife and children, 13; is derided and chided by his neighbours and relations, 14; meets with Evangelist, who counsels him, and directs him to go to the Wicket-gate, 15; flees from the City of Destruction, 15; pursued by Obstinate and Pliable, 15; falls into the Slough of Despond, 19; rescued by Help, 19; led out of the way by Mr. Worldly Wiseman, 21; found by Evangelist under Mount Sinai, 24; is set once more in the right way, 29; at the Wicket-gate, 29; his reception there, 29; in. the, house of the Interpreter, 32; the rare and profitable things he sees there, 32–41; arrives at the Cross, where his burden is loosed, and the sings for joy, 41; passes Simple, Sloth, and Presumption, 42; meets with; Formalist and Hypocrisy, 43; climbs Hill Difficulty, 45; sees Mistrust and, Timorous fleeing from the lions, 46; in the Palace Beautiful, 50; discourses with Piety, Prudence, and Charity 51–55; is equipped with armour, 58; in, the Valley of Humiliation, 59; fights with and vanquishes Apollyon; goes through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, 64; overtakes Faithful,who accompanies him on pilgrimage, 69; meets with Talkative, 78, and with Evangelist, 89; at Vanity Fair, 91; is arraigned before Lord Hate-good, 95; his escape, 100; he oven takes Hopeful, 101; meets With By-ends, 101; is tempted by Demas at Hill Lucre, 109; walks beside the river of God, 113; in By-path Meadow, 114; falls into the clutches of Giant Despair, 116; imprisoned in Doubting Castle, 116; his cruel maltreatment, 116–120; unlocks the prison door with the key Promise, 120; on the Delectable Mountains, 121; is entertained by the Shepherds, 122; meets with Ignorance, 126, with the Flatterer, 135, with Atheist, 137; at the, Enchanted Ground, 138; in the land of Beulah, 157; within sight, of the Celestial City, 157; crosses the river of Death, 159; his sore conflict in the waters, 159; on the other side of Jordan, 161; is met by two Shining Ones, 161; his glorious entrance into the Celestial City, 164.
Civility, Mn, the son of Mr. Worldly Wiseman, 23; denounced by Evangelist as a hypocrite, 28.
Clear, a high hill of the Delectable Mountains, from which the gates of the Celestial City may be seen, 125.
Comforter, the, 41.
Conceit, the country of, 125; the home of Ignorance, 126.
Conscience, the voice of, 41.
Cross, the, excellency of, 27; the only way of salvation, 32; Christian at, 41.
Cruelty, Mr., a juryman at Vanity Fair, 99.
Danger, the way of, 46.
Dathan, an example to others, 112,
Deadman's Lane, where Little-faith