Fair-speech, town of By-ends, 101; Lord, a relation of By-ends, 101.
Faith, saving, 150.
Faithful, 59; is overtaken by Christian, 69; tempted by Wanton, 71; assaulted by Adam the First, 72; chastised by Moses, 73; meets with Discontent, 74; assaulted by Shame, 75; encounters Talkative, 78; meets with Evangelist, 89; at Vanity Fair, 91; arraigned before Lord Hategood, 95; cruel martyrdom of, 100; is taken up to the Celestial City in a chariot and horses, 100.
Fear, the good use of, 152; right, 153.
Feigning, Lady, the mother-in-law of By-ends, 102.
Fire, the unquenchable, in the Interpreter's house, 34; meaning of, 34.
Flatterer, the, deludes Christian and Hopeful, 135.
Forgiveness of sins, the blessedness of, 42; Christian's song expressive of, 42.
Formalist, 43; his sad end, 46.
Giant Daemon, the owner of Doubting Castle, 116; cruelly maltreats Christian and Hopeful, 116.
God's things are unspeakable, 17.
Good-confidence, the town of Great-grace, 128.
Good motions and good thoughts, 147, 148.
Good-will, the porter at the Wicket-gate, 30.
Gospel, the sweet and gracious influence of, 34.
Grace, the world of, in the heart, 36; signs of, 85.
Graceless, the, original name of Christian, 50; the town of Mr. Temporary, 154.
Great—grace, the King's champion and a friend of pilgrims, 128, 132.
Gripeman, Mn, a schoolmaster in Love-gain, 103.
Guilt, one of the thieves who assaulted Little-faith in Dead-man's Lane, 128.
Hate-light, a juryman at Vanity Fair, 99.
Having Greedy, Sir, a friend of Beelzebub at Vanity Fair, 97.
Heady, Mr., a juryman at Vanity Fair, 99.
Hell, mouth of, in the Valley of the Shadow of Death, 66; a by-way to, in the Delectable Mountains, 124.
Help, 20; draws Christian out of the Slough of Despond, 20.
High—mind, Mr., 3. juryman at Vanity Fair, 99.
Highway, the King's, 62.
Hill Difficulty, 45; the Lord of, 55, 57.
Hold-the—world, Mr., an acquaintance of By-ends, 103; snared by Demas, 110.
Hopeful, 100; joins himself to Christian, 101; tempted by Demas, 109; imprisoned in Doubting Castle and maltreated by Giant Despair, 116; on the Delectable Mountains, 121; at the Enchanted Ground, 139; his life before conversion, 139–146; in the land of Beulah, 157; crosses the river of Death, 159; his reception in the Celestial City, 164.
Humiliation, the Valley of, 59; Christian's passage through, 59–68.
Hypocrisy, Mr., 43; his miserable end, 46.
Ignorance, meets with Christian and Hopeful, 126; his sad end, 165.