Patience, a figure of the men of the world to come, 34, 35.
Peace, the bed-chamber in the Palace Beautiful, 56.
Pickthank, Mr., a witness against Faithful at Vanity Fair, 96.
Picture, a grave, in the Interpreter's house, 33; meaning of, 33.
Piety, one of the virgins of the Palace Beautiful, 51.
Pliable, a neighbour of Christian, resolves to fetch him back by force, 15; is persuaded to go on pilgrimage, 17; discouraged by the Slough of Despond, 19; returns to the City of Destruction, 21; his reception there, 21, 71.
Pope, Giant, 68.
Prating Row, the town of Talkative, 80.
Presumption, Mn, 42.
Pride, Mr., 74.
Pride of Life, the, a daughter of Adam the First, 73.
Promise, the key that opened the lock of Doubting Castle, 120.
Promises, the, stepping-stones in the Slough of Despond, 20.
Prudence, one of the Virgins of the Palace Beautiful, 51.
Religion in the heart, effects of, 84.
Religious professor, a, 81.
Righteousness of Christ, the, 42, 44.
River of God, the, 113; Christian and Hopeful walk beside, 113.
Roll, the, given to Christian by a Shining One at the Cross, 42; he loses it in the arbour on Hill-Difficulty 47; finds it again, 48; gives it in at the gate of the Celestial City, 164.
Salt,the pillar of, 111.
Salvation, the wall of, 41.,
Satan's, enmity towards those that enter the strait gate; 29; seeks to destroy Christian in the Valley of Humiliation, 60.
Save-all, Mr., an acquaintance of By-ends, 103; snared by Demas, 110.
Say-well, Mr., father of Talkative, 80.
Self-conceit, Mr., 74.
Shame, Mr., assaults Faithful, 75.
Shepherds, the, of the Delectable Mountains, 121; entertain Christian and Hopeful, 122.
Shining Ones, three, salute Christian at the Cross, 42; as ministering spirits, 157, 161, 206, 212.
Simple, Mr., 42.
Sin, a grievous burden to an awakened soul, 15, 23; Christian freed from, at the Cross, 41.
Sincere, one of the shepherds of the Delectable Mountains, 122; the town of Little-faith, 127.
Sloth, Mr., 42.
Slough of Despond, the, 19; Christian falls into, 19; What causes the
Slough, 20.
Smooth-man, Mr., a relation of By-ends, 101.
Sodom, the judgment of, 112.
Study, the, in the Palace Beautiful, 57.
Superstition, Mr., a Witness against Faithful at Vanity Fair, 96.
Sword, the, of the Word of God, 63.
Talkative, Mr., falls in with Christian and Faithful, 78; his pedigree, 80; offended by Faithful's discourse, 87.
Temporary, Mr., the story of, 154.
Things, ancient, in Palace Beautiful, Time-server, Lord, a relation of By-ends, 101. *Timorous-flees from the lions, 46.
Tree of life, the, leaves from, 64, 144.
Turn-about, Lord, a relation of By-ends, 101.