Page:The Pilgrim Cookbook.djvu/115

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Layer Cake.

One-half cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 level cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, ⅔ cup cold water. Flavor to taste.—Mrs. J. Rausch.

Sour Milk Layer Cake.

Cream 1¾ cups of sugar with ½ cup of butter, add 3 eggs and beat the batter hard. Stir in a cup of sour milk into which a generous pinch of baking soda has been beaten. Last of all, whip in lightly 3 level cups of flour that has been sifted with 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Bake in three layers and put together with any kind of icing or filling.—Mrs. J. Rausch.

Loaf Cake.

Three eggs, whites—yolks beaten separately, whites added last, 1 cup sugar, ⅓ cup butter, ⅔ cup milk, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder.—Mrs. Semmlow.

Fairy Loaf Cake.

Four eggs beaten separately, 1¼ cups sugar, ¾ cup butter, ½ cup sweet milk, 2½ cups flour, 1 teaspoon cream tartar, scant ½ teaspoon baking soda, and flavor to taste. Sift flour once, then measure, add soda, and sift three times. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly, beat yolks to a very stiff froth and stir in, add milk, whip whites to foam, add cream of tartar and whip until very stiff, and add to first mixture. Then add flavor, then flour and stir very hard. Put in a slow oven at once. Will bake in 30 to 50 minutes.—Mrs. F. Feig.

Grapenuts Loaf Cake.

One cup grapenuts, 2½ cups flour, 3 eggs, 1 cup milk, ½ cup butter, 1½ cups sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks well beaten, then milk and grapenuts; beat well, fold in alternately the stiffly beaten whites of eggs and flour sifted with baking powder. Bake 35 minutes in a moderate oven.—Mrs. H. A. Zorn.