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Out in the west beneath the toahafs bush the moon gave birth to Coyote and then went down. Coyote grew apace, and when large and strong he came to the land where lived the Pima nation.

After a time the earth gave birth to one who was afterwards known as Itany and later as Siuuhû, Elder Brother. He came to Earth Doctor and spoke roughly to him, and Earth Doctor trembled before his power. The people increased in numbers, but Elder Brother shortened their lives, and they did not overrun the earth as they had done before. But this did not satisfy Elder Brother, who announced to Earth Doctor that he would destroy the latter's people, and this is how he accomplished the second destruction of the world:

Elder Brother created a handsome youth, whom he directed to go among the Pimas, where he should wed whomsoever he wished.

He must live with her until his first child was born, then leave her and go to another, and so on until his purpose was accomplished. His first wife gave birth to a child four months after marriage and conception. The youth then went and took a second wife, to whom a child was born in less time than the first. The period was yet shorter in the case of the third wife, and with her successors it grew shorter still, until at last the child was born from the young man at the time of the marriage. This was the child that caused the flood which destroyed the people and fulfilled the plans of Elder Brother. Several years were necessary to accomplish these things, and during this time the people were amazed and frightened at the signs of Elder Brother's power and at the deeds of his agent. At the time of the commencement of these strange events Elder Brother began to make a jar or olla of some substance, either bush or gum. When this should be finished the flood would come. How? This is the way in which it came: The handsome young men, whom Elder Brother sent about among the people to marry and beget children in so short a period of time, came at last to the home of Vakolo Makai, South Doctor, who lived somewhere in the south, and who had power similar to that of Elder Brother. South Doctor was noted for his knowledge of all things and his skill in reading signs. He declared that he would put an end to Elder Brother's schemes. One day South Doctor asked his beautiful young daughter why she cried all the time. She replied that she was afraid of the handsome young man who went about marrying the young women and begetting sons and daughters. Her father told her that it was her duty to marry the young man in order that a divine plan might be accomplished. But she continued crying, so her father told her to fetch some of the topmost thorns of a cholla cactus. When she had obeyed him he placed the thorns upon her, telling her not to be afraid of the young man, but that when he

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