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[ETH. ANN. 26

so Earth Doctor pulled the sky down on the earth and crushed everything to death. But he came through a hole to the other side and made a new creation. After a time Elder Brother, a rival to Earth Doctor, arose and threatened to destroy the people again. This accomplished, through the child of Elder Brother's agent and South Doctor's daughter, who was the last of the youth's many wives. Child was abandoned and its tears caused a flood that overwhelmed the earth. Elder Brother was saved in his olla, Coyote on a log, father and child by turning into birds, Earth Doctor by hiding in his staff, and some people by going into a hole in the earth made by Earth Doctor.

After the flood Elder Brother was the ruler and Earth Doctor and Coyote his subordinates. When they found the middle of the land they all took part in a new creation. First death caused by Rattlesnake biting Rabbit. Burning corpse stolen by Coyote; afterwards he abused the woman and in retaliation the magicians concealed all the useful animals in a cave; these released by Coyote.

Väntre supplied with magic gambling sticks by Feather-breathing Siʼvany. Elder Brother interfered and caused Väntre to be turned into an eagle. Eagle lived on mountain and preyed on the people until killed by Elder Brother.

Tarsnamkam sent his parrot to steal turquoises at Casa Grande; sent football to daughter of Si’vany there; child born from this became the monster Hâ-âk, who killed and ate children until destroyed by Elder Brother. Tobacco plant grew from grave of old woman who had stolen Hâ-âk's blood.

Elder Brother fell into disfavor with the people, who killed him several times, but he always came to life again, until the magic power of Vulture was invoked, who killed him through the agency of the sun. Came to life once more; but sank through a hole to the underworld, where the survivors of the flood lived. Some of these came above under his leadership and conquered the people there.


After closing up by his laughter the hole through which the underworld people were coming up, Coyote wandered to the west, and one day made two other coyotes from his image in the water, Sandy Coyote and Yellow Coyote. They sailed on logs across the water, but Yellow became blind and they turned back and went to live near the Grand Canyon. Gambled with each other and Sandy won; Yellow assisted by Finish, who causes Duck and Black Beetle to run a race, in which latter won for Yellow. Sandy finally won Yellow's body and soul and killed him. Death finally avenged by his son, who won from Sandy by stratagem.