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trained by Captain Corcoran to sing more or less in tune, always opened the dog-watch with this chorus:
We sail the ocean blue,
And our saucy ship's a beauty!
We're sober men and true
And attentive to our duty.
When the balls whistle free o'er the bright blue sea,
We stand to our guns all day;
When at anchor we ride on the Portsmouth tide
We've plenty of time to play!
![<< \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical
\override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = ##f
\new Staff { \time 2/4 \clef bass \autoBeamOff
r4 r8 c16.[(^\f e32]) | g8 a g e | c4. b,16. c32 | d8 e d b, | \break
g, c4 c16.[( e32]) | g8 a g e | c4. b,16. c32 | d8 e d b, | g, c4 }
\addlyrics { We sail the o -- cean blue, And our sau -- cy ship's a beau -- ty; We're so -- ber men and true, And at -- ten -- tive to our du -- ty. }
\new GrandStaff <<
\new Staff { \override GrandStaff.BarLine #'allow-span-bar = ##f \relative e' {
\repeat unfold 3 { <e c g>8[ q q q] }
<f b, g>[ q q q]
\repeat unfold 3 { <e c g>8[ q q q] }
<f b, g>[ q q q] | <e c g>[ q q c] } }
\new Staff { \clef bass
\repeat unfold 3 { <c, c>8[ q q q] }
\repeat unfold 2 { <c, g,>[ q q q] }
\repeat unfold 2 { <c, c>[ q q q] }
<c, g,>[ q q q] q[ q q <c e g>] } >> >>](
By special permission of the publishers, Metzler & Co., Ltd.