PLAYS, &c. contained in each Volume.
Head of Shakespeare, from an Engraving by Martin Droeshout, before the Folio 1623.
Preface by Johnson.
Advertisement by Steevens.
Extract from the Gul’s Hornbook, by Decker, concerning our ancient theatres, &c.
The Globe Theatre, from the Long Antwerp View of London in the Pepysian Library.
Catalogue of the earliest Translations from Greek and Roman Classicks.
Appendix to Colman’s Terence, relative to the Learning of Shakespeare.
Dedication by Heminge and Condell to the Folio, 1623.
Preface by the same.
by Pope.
by Theobald.
by Hanmer.
by Warburton.
Advertisement prefixed to Steevens’s Twenty Plays, &c.
Rowe’s Life of Shakespeare.
Ms. in the Herald’s Office.
Licences to Shakespeare, &c. from Rymer’s Fædera, and his Mss.
Head of Shakespeare from that by Marshall, prefixed to the Poems 1640.
Fac-Simile of Shakespeare’s Hand-writing.
Anecdotes of Shakespeare, from Oldys’s Mss. &c.
Farmer’s Account of a Pamphlet falsely imputed to Shakespeare; together with Remarks on a passage in Warton’s Life of Dr. Bathurst.
Observations on Passages in the Preface to the French Translation of Shakespeare.