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Page:The Plays of William Shakspeare (1778).djvu/368

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The following Miſtakes are chargeable on the Editor only.


Vol. II.

471. for J. Middleton, read, T. Middleton.

Vol. III.

18. Note 3. for Campaſpe 1591, read, 1584.
452. Note 5. for, Cyril Turner’s All’s loſt by Luſt, read, Rowley’s All’s loſt &c.

Vol. V.

296. Note 8. for, Shirley’s Match &c. read, Rowley’s Match &c.
347. Note 4. for Sir J. Greſham, read. Sir T. Greſham.
568. End of Note 9. for Dryden, read, Waller.

Vol. VI.

360. For, Melancholy Lover, read, Lover’s Melancholy.

Vol. VII.

4. Note 3. As the date of the Mirrour for Magiſtrates, for, 1587, read, 1575.

Vol. VIII.

342. In Note 6. for, B. and Fletcher, read only, Fletcher.

Vol. X.

319. Note 9. For, Heywood’s Jew of Malta, read, Marlowe’s.


The large Head of Shakeſpeare, to face the title-page to Vol. I.

The ſmall Head of Shakeſpeare (marked by miſtake No. 3) to face his will; i.e. to front p. 196 of the Prefaces.

The Fac-ſimile, to front the printed ſignature to Shakefpeare’s will; i.e. p. 200.

The Morris-dancers, to be folded in at the end of K. Henry IV. P. I. Vol. V. and not P. II. as marked by miſtake.

The two Heads, and the Fac-ſimile, are to be cut down to 8vo. ſize.