Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/189

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thought, he had heard no word spoken before in all his life. She little more than breathed it; but it was as if she breathed the whole stories of Cleopatra and Carthage in the one lingering low sound.

"It is magnificent," he said, deeply moved; and added in a husky voice for her ear alone: "Your thought of it, I mean. I feel your thought of it in your voice, and I understand. And you—you are more than Africa!"

Onward sparkled the flying bow of the "Duumvir," opening headland upon headland on the leftward shore until almost abruptly, there, gigantic before them, they beheld old Britain's Rock climbing the brilliant sky of Spain.

"My golly! that's familiar," a hearty voice said from the clump of passengers behind Mme. Momoro and Ogle. "What an ad! What an ad!"

Tinker's enthusiasm was for the genius of a commercial organization in his native country; and a moment later he was heard again jovially extolling it, in reply to a remark from Mr. Wackstle.

"Yes, sir; certainly it's impressive; but if it hadn't been for that ad how many people do you expect would ever 'a' heard of it? The only thing that disappoints me, I always thought they had their sign