Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/217

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America where he was so, so rich! And they went there when he has die, and they get everything belong to him. So now they come back to here, maybe they are going to make Monsieur Hyacinthe Momoro to be their son."

"What?" Ogle was astonished. "You mean they want to adopt him?"

"I don' know what that is to say," she returned apologetically. "How you say? 'Adupp'?"

"Adopt," he said. "It means to make someone who really isn't your own child be the same as your own child, by law."

"Yes, law," the woman nodded eagerly. "Yes, that is it. That is what they think to do. Everybody in Algiers know' all about it, gentleman; but I know more than other pipple because it is my cousin who marry with the chauffeur. My cousin tell me Madame Momoro want that very, very much. She love him a great, great deal, Monsieur Hyacinthe Momoro, and she think he is not so strong. If Mademoiselle Daurel make him her son, then perhaps he don' have to work. Mademoiselle Lucie Daurel wish very much to make him the son; but she must always do what her sister is telling her. Mademoiselle Daurel, she always take' a long time