Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/320

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IN THE morning when he asked for his bill, he was surprised to find as an item upon it, "Speciale Diner for six persons," at a price equally special; and, beneath it, another even more striking, for this one referred to a number of bottles of "Beaune Rouge 1907." That vintage, moreover, was evidently all that Sir William had said of it; the hotel authorities, who should have known, heartily agreed with him upon its worth.

"This is a mistake," Ogle informed the landlord, in the "Bureau." "General Broadfeather would be annoyed, I think, if I paid more than half upon these items. It was his proposal that our two parties dine together, and I think you'd better transfer half the amount to his account."

The landlord looked blank. "How can I? He is gone two hours."

"That's singular," the American said. "Did he look over his own bill before he left?"

"Eh? Did he? I escape with my life!"

"Then he must have misunderstood. It's rather