Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/335

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AT BISKRA, Mme. Momoro went at once to her room to rest; and for the first time since Ogle had known her she looked as if that was what she needed. She had always seemed not only inexhaustible, but unimpairable, and her vitality like a strong metal so brilliantly polished that its surface could not be flecked; he was astonished and distressed to see her drooping. "I hope she's not overtaxed her strength," he said, expressing his concern to Hyacinthe, his guide to the branch-office bank where his letters from America awaited him. "I'm afraid she——"

"My mother?" Hyacinthe said inquiringly. "You think she has travel' too much for her strength?" He smiled faintly and shook his head. "She is twice as strong as you or me. She would walk from here to Hammam Meskoutine in five days, go into the hot baths, lie down ten minutes and come outdoors looking like a new gold coin just from the mint. After dinner she will be ready for bridge all night, if there is anyone to play with."