Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/347

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with him. 'Look here, John,' he'll say—he calls him 'John Edwards' because his real name is Jean Edouard Le Seyeux and Mr. Tinker said the only thing to do with his last name's to forget it—'Look here, John,' he'll say, 'I don't care where the Romans or the Carthaginians or the Mohammedans or anybody else left some old foundation stones lying around, there's a water-works in this town and we're going to get up and go look at it at seven o'clock to-morrow morning, before we leave here.' And then when they'd get through, heaven only knows what pourboires he'd give all the workmen, Arabs and everybody! Even Le Seyeux shakes his head over it."

Mrs. Shuler laughed. "I guess you needn't worry about that, Mrs. Tinker," she said admiringly. "My husband told me that Mr. Tinker built and practically supports a big hospital and two trade-schools for workmen's children in your city."

"That's very different," Mrs. Tinker returned primly. "When it's for good causes like that, I never make any objection; but I think it's perfectly criminal of him to spoil all the French hotel servants the way he does—and these Arabs. What he's done since we've been in this place alone makes my hair curl to think of it! Besides what he just throws