Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/368

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the father is taking her away from—well, of course from some 'undesirable' person at home and that he believes he can 'cure' her by absence. But just for my pride's sake I do want to explain that I didn't hate my father because he thought he could 'cure' me by the separation. That wasn't at all why I hated him."

"Wasn't it?"

She laughed ruefully. "Don't you know what it is that a woman simply can't stand from any man—not even from her father?"

"I've always supposed there were several things of that kind."

"There's one above all," she said, and in the darkness, though he could not see her distinctly enough to be sure, he got the impression that she was blushing. "She can't stand his being right!"

"You mean you hated your father because you knew it would 'cure' you?"

She laughed again, with a kind of helplessness. "I'm afraid I hated him because it had! Nobody has a right to be right as often as my father is! This is a dreadful confession, Mr. Ogle; but the rest of it isn't quite so humiliating. You understand half the