Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/407

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course the poor thing hasn't the faintest dream we saw him with Madame Momoro—and that shoulder patting—or that we know they didn't come into the hotel except to leave those two notes. He's got to say that he just walked over to the French ladies' hotel with her and then went on to his 'Koos Koos' party." She choked, laughed, and seemed inclined to sob in the midst of her laughter. "When you think of him—coming back as he will, pleased to death with himself for being a dashing diner-out with a pretty lady and thinking that note of his has made everything all right for him—oh!" she cried, "doesn't it make you shudder for him? Do you think you could find them?"

"I don't know."

"I do hate to ask you," she said. "It's treating you rather awfully, I'm afraid—under the circumstances—to ask you to go out and break up Madame Momoro's little dinner-party. It might put you in a queer light with her, of course."

"I know. It doesn't matter."

Olivia gave him an appreciative smile for that, and her hand with it, as they both rose. "You'll never know how grateful I am! There aren't many hotels here, and I think you'll have to take one of those