Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/419

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"So what?"

"So good!" she said. "That's what I wanted you to remember—in spite of his outrageousness. But he's in for it now just as much as if he wasn't! Poor Mamma! What a terrible family you must think us!"

"I don't," he said honestly. "I'm too terrible myself to be thinking anybody else is."

"No, you're not." For a second she looked him lustrously in the eyes. Then she laughed lamentingly. "I must run after them, and see how many tortoise-shell hairpins I can find on the way."

"Couldn't I——"

"No, no!" She gave him her hand quickly, laughed again; and with an upward glance somehow imparting her meaning that she alluded to Mme. Momoro, "You have your own troubles," she said, and departed hurriedly.