Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/426

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"What is it?"

"She has déjeuner in her apartment; but I think she will be finished by this time. She told me to find you and ask if you will be so kind and come to see her there."

"Now?" Ogle asked, rising.

Hyacinthe jumped up and made his quick bow again. "If you will be so kind?"

"I will," the American said grimly, and, without adding anything to that, he walked away. He had begun to breathe rapidly and deeply, his great desire being for a final interview with Mme. Momoro—as there were some things he wished to say to her. He had been rehearsing them in his mind all morning, and even when he was cursing the Arabs phrases were developing in the back of his mind for this last interview.

He wished her to know definitely his reasons for closing the episode of their friendship and parting with her forever. At the end he would say: "I have one last means of convincing you that I understand you, Madame Momoro. I am sure you are already aware that Mr. Tinker and his party are going from here by easy stages to Tunis; I am returning by rail, myself, to Algiers. I wish you and your son to take