Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/466

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Mme. Momoro had already "got something"—something substantial enough to establish Hyacinthe in Paris—and she had shown a superb confidence in her future, certainly, when she broke Mlle. Daurel like that. Would she be awaiting her great barbarian in Tunis to "get something" more? If she did thus await him, the great barbarian might have some questions of his own to answer and "Delenda est Carthago" gain a new appropriateness.

In the meantime, Laurence Ogle knew that for some inconceivable reason there was in all the world one breath of human kindness for himself. Far ahead of him upon this long gray road, a friendly young spirit took thought of him, and he guessed, humbly enough, that Olivia understood more than she said and was a little sorry for him. Just as he left Biskra the concierge had handed him a postcard from Batna.

You're coming this way aren't you? I think you'd like stopping overnight at Timgad, which you mustn't miss, really. Won't you be at Tunis before we leave there for Italy? If you won't, please don't forget how much good you did me! I wish I might do some to you in return, but probably you——

Here the writing had deliberately run off the card, the small space for the communication of messages