Page:The Plutocrat (1927).pdf/493

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other thought, because what He's looking for is a good live crowd that's got the brains and the push and the go-get-it to keep goin' ahead. That's every last thing He cares about! Look how He's wiped 'em out, one race after the other, the way we've seen since we left Algiers! The kind He patronizes are the boys that got the plans all ready for a bigger and better city the morning after the earthquake, the kind that like an earthquake because it gives 'em the opportunity they been waitin' for! The other kind, He just passes an eraser over 'em; and we've seen where some awful work's been done with that eraser in Africa. Well, to-day we're here and we've got our chance; and the one single and only thing in the universe that's plain, John Edwards, it's this." Here he became solemnly emphatic, and put his heavy hand upon the courier's shoulder. "The somewhere we're goin' to, and got to go to if we don't want to get wiped out, it's somewhere everlastingly and eternally ahead! It's like to-morrow; when we get there we aren't there; we got to keep goin', and we got to everlastingly and eternally keep goin'—and goin' fast! If we don't, the Almighty hasn't got a bit o' use for us; He turns us right into dust and scattered old bones, and nothin's left of our whole country