Page:The Poems of John Donne - 1896 - Volume 1.djvu/158

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Fond woman, which wouldst have thy husband die,
And yet complain’st of his great jealousy;
If, swollen with poison, he lay in his last bed,
His body with a sere bark covered,
Drawing his breath as thick and short as can
The nimblest crocheting musician,
Ready with loathsome vomiting to spew
His soul out of one hell into a new,
Made deaf with his poor kindred’s howling cries,
10Begging with few feign’d tears great legacies,—
Thou wouldst not weep, but jolly, and frolic be,
As aslave, which to-morrow should be free.
Yet weep’st thou, when thou seest him hungerly
Swallow his own death, heart’s-bane jealousy?
O give him many thanks, he’s courteous,
That in suspecting kindly warneth us.
We must not, as we used, flout openly,
In scoffing riddles, his deformity;

l. 4. 1669, sere-cloth, Addl. MS. 25,707, sore bark