Page:The Poems of John Donne - 1896 - Volume 2.djvu/11

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    To my Lord of Pembroke 285
    Of a Lady in the Black Mask 286
    A Letter written by Sir H[enry] G[oodyere] and J[ohn] D[onne], alternis vicibus 287
    To the Author [Thomas Coryat] 289
    In Eundem Macaronicum 290
    On Friendship 290
    The Constant Lover 291
    [An Ideal] 292
    The Lie 292
    [True Love] 293
    Notes to Poems Hitherto Uncollected 294
  C. Spurious Poems 302
  D. The Sheaf of Epigrams of 1652 308
  E. Ignatius his Conclave 312
  F. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions 315
List of First Lines 319