Ma Thakurani. A title of respect to the mistress.
Mahal. A division of a house.
Malini. A flower girl.
Manji. A boatman.
Naib. A deputy, representing the Zemindar.
Pandit. A learned Brahman.
Papiya. A bird.
Puja. Hindu worship.
Puja Mahal. The division of the house devoted to worship.
Pardah. A screen or curtain.
Ryot. A tiller of the soil.
Sari. A woman's garment.
Shastras. Hindu sacred books.
Shradda. An obsequial ceremony, in which food and water are offered to deceased ancestors.
Siva. A Hindu God.
Sraban. The Hindu months corresponding to July—August.
Talao. A tank or enclosed pond.