Unmoved may he behold his hours decay,Nor urge their flagging speed, nor chide day;Calm in ambition, rich in various lore,As fancy wills, may every age explore,With Plato muse the philosophic theme,With Tully moralize, with Sidney dream,Or charmed thro many a soothing page to roam,Make feeling, sympathy, and love, his home;Him shall no dangers frighten or oppress,Above the frown of power and false caress;Resigned, yet cheerful, active, yet serene,With silent dignity he quits the scene;Hope gently slopes the way to life's release,His glory brightening, till it sets in peace.
So in retirement may my years decline,Truth light the path, and studious taste refine;May no wild passions e'er disturb my breast,But wisdom sanction, what the heart has blest;