THE poem opens with an invocation to the spirits of the lighter Gothic mythology—The grandeur of Greece and Rome resulted from the incessant study and philosophic lives of their heroes and sages—Hence also the perfection of the arts and sciences—The bold developement of the mind in Seclusion contrasted with its languor in society—Hence the necessity of retirement to the artist, the poet, and the philosopher—The influence of Seclusion in strengthening the mind in adversity, in awakening independence of character, and fostering the love of freedom—The influence of local scenery, in exciting corresponding sentiments and belief, leads next to the mention of superstition; the doctrine of its origin illustrated in the sublime imagery of the Highlands, and the beautiful fablings of the Lowlands, of Scotland—Hence also the fondness of devotees to retirement—Digression on the evils of monastic life, and religions frenzy—The influence of local scenery in awakening the poetic powers; and the Celtic bards celebrated—Some reflections on the comparative pleasures of a splendid and rural life, with a description of the native of the Alps—The dangers of Solitude to persons of hypochondriac constitutions and of predisposition to religious melancholy—The folly of useless repinings against our fate—A tale introduced, illustrative of the influence of Solitude in sorrow and madness—The choice of the Author follows, and the poem concludes with an address to Poetry.