an organized effort should be made to secure State and Federal legislation providing the following benefits for unwedded mothers and unfathered children:
First: That on the birth of a child the name of the father be correctly registered in the public records, and that failure to do so shall constitute a criminal offense.
Second: That every child born in the United States of America be regarded as legitimate whether born within or without wedlock.
The enactment of these statutes would not, in the author's opinion, detract from the dignity of the marriage-union which automatically legalizes children born therein, but would insure protection for those innocent children born of a love-union in which one or both parents are unmarried.
Readers of this book who agree with the author that this entire situation constitutes a Cause, and who feel with her that members should be gathered into the Elizabeth Ann League to collectively urge the proposed legislation suggested above to provide social equality among children, are invited to write her a personal letter in care of the publishers {see title page}.
The Author