Page:The Presidents of the United States, 1789-1914, v. I.djvu/302

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248 LIVES OF THE PRESIDENTS as one of the board of arbitration for the executive committee of eastern trunk lines and western rail roads, and subsequently as sole arbitrator, which position he resigned in June, 1884, when he became president of the Union Pacific Railway Company. He continued president of that company until No vember, 1890. He then retired from all connection with railroad matters, and has since devoted him self to historical and literary pursuits. In 1882 he was elected a member of the board of overseers of Harvard university, and reflected in 1888, 1895 and 1901. Since 1895 he has been president of the Massachusetts Historical Society. In connection with his brother, Henry Adams, he prepared "Chapters of Erie and other Essays" (Boston, 1871). He subsequently published a treatise en titled "Railroads; their Origin and Problems" (New York, 1878) ; a work on "Railroad Acci dents" (1879) ; "Life of Richard H. Dana" (Bos ton, 1890) ; "Three Episodes in Massachusetts History" (1892); and "Massachusetts: Its His torians and its History" (1893). He has also de livered a number of occasional addresses at home and abroad and been a frequent contributor to the North American Review, The Forum, and the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, in which last he has printed many mono graphs on historical subjects. A collection of these valuable essays, including one on General