Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/108

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Oh, I don't know what I am saying. My head is so confused after this long journey——

Sir Robert.
[Rising.] My girl, take my advice—if you sent the telegram to Margaret Schiller, say so. There is nothing criminal in that nothing whatever.

[After a pause.} Sir Robert, I have not told you the truth. I do know Margaret Schiller. I met her at St. Moritz last winter. And when she returned to England I promised that if I ever came to London I would let her know. There's no harm in that, is there?

Sir Robert.
None at all. But why didn't you say so before?

Because the war has intervened, and as I was coming to your house I didn't think you would like me to have friends among enemy aliens. You can understand that, can't you?

Sir Robert.
Perfectly. So it was you who sent the telegram to Margaret Schiller?


Sir Robert.
[Quickly.] What did you say in it?