Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/122

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be as sacred to me as my heart's blood. And if ever a woman like me can do anything for a man like you——

[The voice of Galloway outside: "This way, Sir Malcolm."

Sir Robert.
Get up! He's here!

[Galloway enters by lower door.

Sir Malcolm Clark, sir.

[Chief Commissioner enters. Sees Margaret rising hurriedly from her knees. She stands with head down, like a criminal awaiting her sentence.

Sir Malcolm.
Are you quite satisfied, sir?

[There is a moment of breathless silence. Then Sir Robert takes up telegram and memorandum, looks at them, folds them, steps up to Chief Commissioner, and hands papers back.

Sir Robert.
Yes, I am quite satisfied—Good night, Sir Malcolm!

Sir Malcolm.
[Dumbfounded, dazed.] Good night, sir!

[Chief Commissioner bows himself out. The door is closed.