Sir Malcolm.
In one of the old houses in Soho Square.
Sir Robert.
What family?
Sir Malcolm.
The wife, a good-natured creature of no account;
a son, Friedrich, who used to be a night editor at
one of the continental telegraphic agencies——
Sir Robert.
Sir Malcolm.
We've had him removed, sir. [Sir Robert nods approval.] Then a son of Paul Schiller, Otto, formerly
a medical student at one of the hospitals, and—his
Sir Robert.
A younger sister?
Sir Malcolm.
Older. About six-and-twenty, intensely hostile to
this country, and apparently the brains of the whole
group, sir.
Sir Robert.
Have you seen this person, Sir Malcolm?
Sir Malcolm.
I have, sir. Having heard something about the
young woman, I went to Soho Square myself this
morning expressly to see her.
Sir Robert.
What's her name?