Page:The Prime Minister by Hall Caine.djvu/96

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[At door, after watching this scene with obvious emotion.] Good night, sir!

[Giving her hand to Margaret.] Good night, papa! See you in the morning.

[Margaret and Peggy go out by upper door, R. Sir Robert returns to desk.

Lady Dorothy.
Well, how does she strike you?

Sir Robert.
I like her. A little over-sensitive but with fine depths of character, I should say. How does she strike you?

Lady Dorothy.
I'm not sure

Sir Robert.
Not sure?

Lady Dorothy.
To tell you the truth, I can't help feeling the girl has come into the house with a certain hostile feeling against——

Sir Robert.
Against whom?

Lady Dorothy.
Well—against you.

Sir Robert.
What reason have you for thinking that, Dorothy?