Page:The Prince.djvu/16

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the chace, becoming the patron of arts and sciences, wearing the semblance of religion, the choice of his cabinets, leading his armies in person, making peace in the moment of victory, and forming a barrier to the empire of vassal states, even to the abolition of the pope's temporal power, for which Buonaparte assigns exactly the reasons given by Machiavelli three hundred years ago.

Having pointed out these coincidences, which are sufficient confirmation of the assertion before made, the translator conceived it would be an acceptable service to his country to translate "The "Prince" as a model of policy for future ministers in the government of his country, and to give a commentary pointing out the secret spring which had regulated the actions of our great enemy.

The lapse of three years, the additional proofs of the truth of these observations which that period has afforded, and the uniform opinion of the political friends to whom the idea has been submitted, have only tended to confirm the translator in the great utility of the work, and decided in