Page:The Prince.djvu/35

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tions, and a similar form of government, which presented to him such different results, that he determined on studying the causes of these differences.

The conclusions he arrived at are given in his discourse on the first Decade of Livy, and the principles which he there laid down were afterwards collected by him, disposed in a systematic order, and augmented by others which his studies and political experience struck out; and these combined, formed "The Prince," a work which stands alone, being superior to all others in solidity of reasoning and depth of genius.

It was in considering every thing on the basis of general policy, that he discovered the evils arising from THE TEMPORAL POWER OF THE POPES. He thus expresses himself on the subject, in the 12th chapter of the first book of his Reflections on the first Decade of Livy; and, as it will place the character of Machiavelli in a new light, the reader will not be displeased to see a translation of the whole chapter.