Page:The Prince.djvu/40

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prosperity of Italy depends on the existence of the Church of Rome, I may be permitted to advance against this opinion a few reasons, two of which appear to me unanswerable.

"In the first place, I maintain that the evil example of this court has destroyed every sentiment of piety and religion in Italy; for, if where religion is, we suppose every virtue; where it is wanting, we have a right to suppose the existence of every vice. Hence, the first service that the church and the priest-hood have conferred on us Italians, has been to deprive us of religion, and fill us with every vice. But the church has done more, which will prove the ruin of Italy, for she has kept it, and continues to keep it, perpetually full of divisions.

"A country cannot be truly united and prosper, unless it is under the entire dominion of one government; whether it be monarchical or republican, as France or Spain. That the government of the whole of Italy is not thus organized, either as a re-