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Page:The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Volume 2).djvu/138

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history of a six weeks' tour, &c.

boxes the night before at the English custom-house, and it was arranged that they should go by the packet of the following day, which, detained by contrary wind, did not arrive until night. S*** and I walked among the fortifications on the outside of the town; they consisted of fields where the hay was making. The aspect of the country was rural and pleasant.

On the 30th of July, about three in the afternoon, we left Calais, 30 July, 1814.in a cabriolet drawn by three horses. To persons who had never before seen any thing but a spruce English chaise and post-boy, there was something irresistibly ludicrous in our equipage. A cabriolet is[1] shaped somewhat like a post-chaise, except that it has only two wheels, and consequently there are no doors at the sides; the front is let down to admit the passengers. The three horses were placed abreast, the tallest in the middle, who was rendered more formidable by the addition of an unintelligible article of harness, resembling a pair of wooden wings fastened to his shoulders; the harnesses were[2] of rope; and the postillion, a queer, upright little fellow with a long pig-tail, craquèed his whip, and clattered on, while an old forlorn shepherd with a cocked hat gazed on us as we passed.

The roads are excellent, but the heat was intense, and I suffered greatly from it. We slept at Boulogne the first night, where there was an ugly but remarkably good-tempered femme de chambre. 30 July, 1814.This made us for the first time remark the difference which

  1. In Mrs. Shelley's editions Our cabriolet was is substituted for A cabriolet is; and the tense is altered correspondingly in the subsequent sentences.
  2. In Mrs. Shelley's editions we read harness was.