Page:The Protocols and World Revolution.pdf/13

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Part One

Introductory Statement

THE world is in the midst of a crisis not less serious than that of the great war. period following the war should be fraught with grave problems for civilization, these problems have been made much more difficult by the presence of a new danger, namely, the destructive force of Bolshevism. Russia was the first victim of what proves to be a movement of an international character, Russia being used as the base of operations. While powerful Bolshevist armies are overrunning Asia and menacing the European countries to the West, an equally dangerous force of Red propagandists, directed from Moscow, is operating on several continents, spreading its social poison throughout the world and threatening the destruction of the While it was inevitable that the social and industrial morale of civilized nations.

With the triumph of the Bolshevist revolution in Russia, a group of internationalists, most of whom were members of the Jewish race, seized the machinery of government and have held it ever since.

The complete destruction of Russian civilization, which for centuries had been essentially a Christian civilization, and the reduction of the great majority of the Russian people to a state of abject misery and ruin, are accomplished facts. The Bolshevist leaders, however, not content with this destruction and the establishment of a cruel despotism in Russia, are making every effort to extend their revolution and their control to other countries,

The Communist revolution in Hungary, under Bela Cohen (alias Kuhn), a confessed ally and agent of Trotzky, was not terminated until it had wrought great havoc in that country. The same is true of the Spartacan revolt in Germany, where recently the struggle broke out anew and assumed the char