Page:The Queens Court Manuscript with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, 1852, Cambridge edition.djvu/111

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“If ’tis not according to your wisdom,
“’Stablish for the twain a new decision,
“That may reconcile the striving brothers.”
Bent themselves the Lechs and the Vladykas,
And began a whisper’d consultation,
Whisper’d consultation with each other,
And they did commend and laud her sentence.
Uprose Lutobor from Dobroslaw’s height,
And began in these words his oration:
“Glorious princess on thy throne paternal,
“We have well consider’d of thy sentence;
“Now collect the votes throughout thy nation.”
And the judging maids the votes collected;
In a sacred urn the votes collecting,
To the Lechs they gave them for announcement.
Radovan from Kamen Most arising
’Gan the votes by number to examine,
And announc’d the sentence to the nation
In assembly gather’d for decision.
O ye brethren twain, both Klenovices,
“Of th’ old race of Tetva, son of Popel,
“Who with Czech, and with his squadrons enter’d
“Into the rich land across three rivers;
“Thus about your heritage accord you;
“Ye shall rule it both the twain together.”

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