Page:The Queens Court Manuscript with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, 1852, Cambridge edition.djvu/61

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“Go now, refresh your weary limbs,
“That the long march doth tire!”

Upon the left-hand mountains stand,
And mountains on the right,
And on their summits glittering high
Looks down the sun so bright.
And onward o’er the mountains here,
And o’er the mountains there,
In columns long the warriors march,
And battle with them bear.

“Ho! onward to the castle! on!
“That stands on the rocky height!
“Where Kruvoi Voimir captive holds
“With his daughter, maiden bright!
“He took them in the forest thick,
“All under yon grey rock,
“And there with arrogance and scorn
“Neklan our prince did mock.
“Kruvoi to Neklan promis’d faith,
“And gave his hand thereby,
“Yet wrought with that very voice and hand
“His people’s misery—
“Up, up, ye warriors! up with speed,
“And storm yon castle high!”