Page:The Queens Court Manuscript with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, 1852, Cambridge edition.djvu/65

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“O’er Vlaslaw victory to win;
“Thy service awhile must wait.
“The gods will Vlaslaw’s overthrow;
“When the sun towards afternoon
“Approaches, we shall there approach,
“Where our army’s cry of victory
“Will be loudly utter’d soon.
“Take then the weapons of thy foe,
“Come, arm thyself and on!”

Right joyous is Voimir at the word,
From the rock on high with echoing cry
He shouts that the wood doth sound;
From his mighty throat to the gods he call’d,
That the wide wood quiver’d round:
“Ye gods, with your servant be not wroth,
“That ere to-day have past away
“Burnt-offerings be not found!”

“’Tis meet,” quoth Czestmir, “to the gods
“Due sacrifice to pay,
“But now against our enemies
“We needs must haste away.
“Go, seat thee on a horse of speed,
“As a stag quick bounding fly