Page:The Queens Court Manuscript with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, 1852, Cambridge edition.djvu/69

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“Be they the rear the van that were!
“Haste round the hill below!”

And thus ’twas done by Voimir straight,
’Twas done by Czestmir too;
With speed around the mountain high
Nine times the army drew.
Thus they their number and their might
Augmented to the foe,
And thus within the foemen’s breasts
Did panic terror grow.
Among the brushwood on the hill
Themselves they scatter’d wide,
That in the foemen’s eyes their arms
Might glance and gleam, and glittering beam
The hill on every side.

Quick Czestmir with his company
Burst forwards on the foe!
Four squadrons in that company
Did thus with Czestmir go.
And with them Tras[1] burst forwards too
From out the shady wood,
Tras seiz’d upon the num’rous hosts,
That there against them stood.

  1. Tras, the god of Fear.