Page:The Queens Court Manuscript with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, 1852, Cambridge edition.djvu/73

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This Prince he sent his message out,
That all the nobles round about
Should to his castle hasten straight
Together to a feast of state.
And when arriv’d th’ appointed day,
From lands and lordships far away,
The nobles in the prince’s hall
To the great feast assembled all.
The drums and trumpets clamour loud,
Before the prince the nobles crowd,
Each to the prince due rev’rence paid,
The princess and the lovely maid.
Then at the table long they sit,
As each man’s rank it doth befit.
They brought them flesh of hart for meat,
They brought them drink of honey sweet;
It was a joyous banquet there!
It was a splendid banquet rare!
Through ev’ry limb doth vigour glow,
And mirth in ev’ry mind doth grow.
Then to the lords the prince doth call:
“Sirs, be the reason known to all,
“Why I have summon’d you this day!
“Most valiant Sirs! I wish t’ assay,
“Who is the man most worth to me
“Of all your gallant chivalrie.