Page:The Queens Court Manuscript with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, 1852, Cambridge edition.djvu/76

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Quick in the lists they both appear,
Each at the other aims his spear;
Together with their spears they sprung,
And Bolemir from horse is flung;
Far flies his shield, and squires convey
The fallen from the lists away.
The drums and trumpets sound anew;
Lubor bids Rubos rise in view.
Quick Rubos springs upon his steed,
And against Lubor fierce doth speed.
Sever’d his lance by Lubor’s hand,
Cleft is his helm by Lubor’s brand;
Rubos falls backwards from his steed,
Squires bear him from the lists with speed.
Again the drums and trumpets call;
Lubor defies the nobles all:
“Whoe’er with me will combat try,
“Into the lists now let him hie!”
The knights together talk aside,
Lubor doth in the lists abide.
Zdeslaw his long spear swings around,
On which a wild bull’s head is found,
His fiery steed he mounteth free,
And thus with words of pride quoth he:
“My ancestor the wild bull slew,
“My father German bands o’erthrew,