Page:The Quimby Manuscripts.djvu/367

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do not know.” Suppose I should try to explain how you came to be in this condition, would you listen? “Yes, if you do not talk religion.” I have no religion to talk. “I know you have not.” Have you? “I hope I have.” Well, I do not want it if it makes me as sick and unhappy as you. “All the comfort I take while lying here all these long nights is to think that I am in the hands of a merciful God who will do all things right.” Would you like to get well? “If it is the will of God, I should be very glad to get well.” Do you think I can cure you? “I do not know, but I hope you can; if you can't I shall give up all hopes of ever being well.” Then you think your health depends on my science? “Yes.” If I should cure you would you give me credit? “Oh, yes.” But would it be right to upset the will of God who is keeping you in this misery for His own pleasure? “Oh, if God sees fit to have it I believe it is all right. I know I feel badly and I should like to feel better, but if it is the will of God that I must suffer I will submit for I know it is for the best. God suffered in the flesh to teach us to be better prepared for heaven.”

Then you think if you should die you would go to heaven? “I hope so, for I cannot suffer these pains always.” Where is heaven? Do you believe it is a place? “Oh, no.” Then what is it? “It is a state of mind.” Then you are not very near it, I should judge by your own mind. “Well, I do not know as that has anything to do with my pains.” What is pain? “I don't know what it is, but I know how it feels.” How do you know it? “I know it through my senses.” Are your senses affected by your mind? “I suppose so.” Then if your mind is disturbed and you put a false construction on the disturbance, won't it produce an unpleasant effect upon the senses? “I suppose so.” Suppose this unpleasant effect should be pain, is it not the effect produced on the mind? “I don't know what that has to do with my lameness. I want to get well.” Who wants to get well? “I.” That is, you, Mrs. H——? “Yes.” Is not that all there is of you that has any mind or knowledge? “Yes.” You do not expect this flesh and blood to go to heaven ? “No.” Why not? “Because the Bible says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven.” I thought you just said heaven was a state of mind. “So I did.” Well, do you mean that flesh and blood are in the mind? “Oh, you make me so