Page:The Quimby Manuscripts.djvu/446

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falsely accused, 232, 350, 378; on courage, 298; in self-defence, 350, 378; scope of his thought, 418 f.

Reason, 272
Religion, 202, 329, 351 f., 357, 375
Repugnance, 165
Resurrection. 171, 176, 193, 223, 354, 369, 371
Robinson's case, 83
Rubbing, see Manipulation
Science, 15, 17, 59. 66 f.; and Christ, 17, 143, 193, 210, 346; as God, 168: of Jesus, 123, 185 f., 197 f.; establishing a, 195, 238, 242, 267, 270; P. P. Q. and, 347; the term, 382; Paul on, 383; see The Christ, also Christian Science
"Science and Health," 12, 13, 164, 436
Science of Health, 57, 67, 196, 240, 340, 389, 395
Science of Life and Happiness, 18, 241, 253
"Science of Man," 162, 163, 164
Self, 55, 69, 130
Sensation. 184. 220, 252. 421
Senses, the, 31, 244, 249, 421; see Spiritual senses
Sickness, 76 f., 172, 174, 186, 284, 325. 331: see Disease
Silent method, the, 18. 64, 69 f., 154, 163, 307; see Healing
Small-pox, 264, 268, 270, 278
Smoking, 124, 280
Sonnet (Mrs. Eddy's), 156
Soul, 39. 222, 234, 244
Spirit, the. 68, 420, 425 f.; and bodv, 171, 176
Spirit and matter. 177. 180, 213
Spiritual matter, see Mind
Spiritual senses, 54, 66, 169, 228, 246, 264; see Clairvoyance
Spiritual world, 169, 190, 192, 240, 423 f.
Spiritualism, 76, 127, 188, 239, 282, 425
Strength, 182, 315
Subconsciousness, 69, 71; see Mind
Suggestion, 36, 45, 56, 58, 59, 65, 322
Swarts. A. J., 16, 434
Swedenborg, 18, 56, 57, 162, 424, 425
Svmpathv. 68, 75, 212, 245, 412, 413, 417
Testimonials, 86
Theory, Quimby's, 100, 188 f., 194
Thought, 73, 180, 183, 322
Treatment. 63, 129, 307, 308
Town, Dr., 95
Towne, Maria, 111
True History of Mental Science, 14, 19, 22, 27, 60, 63. 151, 160, 434
Truth, 10, 19, 130, 167, 181, 195, 197 f.; and error, 27, 187, 220, 265
Tumors, 61, 311
"Volume I," 12, 25, 154, 179-229
Ware. Miss E. G., 25, 26, 73
Ware, the Misses, 11, 13, 21, 23, 24, 26, 439
Ware. Miss S.. 179
Weight. 218, 219, 317
Wheelock. Dr., 37
Wilbur. Sibyl. 435, 436
Will, 50, 317
William, 226
Wisdom, 70, 165. 276, 326, 336
Woman. 231, 235, 387, 393 f.
Works. 281
World, the Other, 192, 339, 357, 371, 373
Words. 218
Writings, Quimby's, 7, 16, 18 f.; Eddy's. 13, 23, 24, 59, 162-164, 429, 430