having senses under control; intelligent; learned in morality ; eloquent; crowned with grace; the slayer of foes; broad-shouldered ; possessed of mighty arms, a conch-shaped neck, fleshy jaws, and a broad chest; a powerful bowman ; the repressor of foes; having plump shoulder blades; of arms reach¬ ing down unto his knees ; with a beautiful head, and a graceful forehead; and endowed with excellent might; having symmetrical limbs, and of a cool hue; and possessed of prowess; and having a well-developed chest; with expansive eyes; crowned with auspiriousness and favourable marks; knowing duty; firm in promise; aye engaged in the good of his subjects; of accomplished renown ; furnished with knowledge ; pure in body and spirit; modest towards superiors; versed in self-knowledge ; like unto Prajāpaiti himself; blest with prosperity; protecting all; the destroyer of enemies and supporter of all living beings ; and the stay of order, practising all the duties of his class and preserving those cleaving unto him; versed in the profundities of the Vedas and the Vedāngas; accomplished in archery; gifted with a good memory; ascertaining with rapidity the truth of things; the darling of all; unreproved; of unvanqusshed spirit; discerning; proficient in every branch of learning; ever resorted to by the good even as the ocean is, by the rivers; worthy of being honored ; having an equal regard for all; and capable of filling the heart with ever-new sensations. Crowned with every grace, he enhanced!) the joys of Kaucalyā; being like unto the sea in gravity, and unto the Himavat in patience. In prowess, he is like unto Vishnu, and boasteth of the personal attractions of the Moon. In anger he resembleth the fire raging at the dissolution of all; and in forgiveness, he is like unto the earth. In giving away, he is like unto (Kuvera) the Bestower of riches, and in truth, he is like another Dharma.
"Desirous of doing that which would be acceptable to his subjects, king Dacaratha, from fullness of affection, wished to