with the wild country into which we immediately plunged; while, in the eye of the predatory spectator, there was that in the glitter of our arms and the resolute look of the party which must have commanded respect, and quelled the desire of plunder. But that you may better judge yourself, I present you with the following extract from our muster roll.
In advance rode Don Alberto, Don Carlos, and Don Carlos Jose, mounted upon three steeds of doubtful pedigree—Blanco, Rosso, and Pinto, which had been kindly pressed upon our purchase by worthy acquaintances in Tampico, as possessing a thousand virtues, fitting them for the peculiar purpose for which we required them, and no faults but such as were to be absolutely of no account to us. When they dozed—which was often—the prick of the enormous Spanish spurs which jingled at our heels incited them to action; and when once upon a time we found them too lively, the pressure of the powerful Spanish bit soon reduced them to order. For the journey we preferred using the European saddle rather than the Mexican, and had accordingly included them in our purchases in New-Orleans.
We were all armed with holster pistols and sabres, to which Pourtales and myself added our double-barrelled guns. M-Euen had furnished himself in New Orleans with a formidable dragoon sabre of such length that it quite put the light curved cimeters of his companions to the blush. Our costume was a marvellous mixture of European and Mexican; the serape, the sombrero with its silver band, the scarlet sash, and jacket of the latter having been adopted, while the residue of the male outfit was European.
Our train was very long, and composed as follows: Two armed and mounted, ill-looking serving men, clad in the costume of their country, by name Juliano and Miguel—rogues both. The former had now been our equery and valet for a month. He was a smooth-looking varlet, with a soft voice, small and active person and habits. Now that he had money, there was an affectation of spruce trimness in his clothing. He was in all a