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A SELECTION FROM MR. REDWAY'S PUBLICATIONS. Cosmo de' Medici : An Historical Tragedy. And other Poems. By RICHARD HENGIST HORNK, Author of "Orion." Fourth Edition. With Engraved Frontispiece. In crown 8vo, $s. "This tragedy is the work of a poet and not of a playwright. Many of the scenes abound in vigour and tragic intensity. If the structure of the drama challenges comparison with the masterpieces of the Elizabethan stage, it is at least not unworthy of the models which have inspired it." Times. Dickensiana : A Bibliography of the Literature relating to CHARLES DICKENS and his Writings. Compiled by FRED. G. KITTON, Author of " Phiz," "John Leech." With Portrait, Crown 8vo. [In preparation. The Anatomy of Tobacco : or Smoking Methodised, Divided, and Considered after a New Fashion. By LEOLINUS SILURIENSIS. Crown 8vo, parchment, 3*. 6J. " A very clever and amusing parody of the metaphysical treatises once in fashion. Every smoker will be pleased with this volume." Notes ami Queries. " We have here a most excellent piece of fooling, evidently from a University pen .... contains some very clever burlesques of classical modes of writing, and a delicious parody of scholastic logic." Literary World. " A delightful mock essay on the exoteric philosophy of the pipe nnd the pipe bowl .... reminding one alternately of ' Melan- choly ' Burton and Herr Teufelsdroch, and implying vast reading and out-of-the-way culture on the part of the author. ' Bookseller. Tobacco Talk and Smokers' Gossip : An amusing miscellany of fact and anecdote relating to the "Great plant " in all its forms and uses, including a selection from nicotian literature. Demy iSmo, vanilla paper, is. "One of the best books of gossip we have met for some time. ... It is literally crammed full from beginning to end of its 148 pages with well-selected anecdotes, poems, and excerpts from to- bacco literature and history." Graphic.